The impetus to write books is grounded in my conviction that knowledge is worthless until it is shared and used to improve the life of another person.
The impetus to write and publish books and articles is grounded in my strong urge to share knowledge with people who need it to solve their problems or improve their lives. Richard Stallman put it this way, 'Sharing knowledge is the most fundamental act of friendship. Because it is a way of giving something without losing something.' In fact sharing knowledge is a fundamental principle of life which entrenches us in our shared humanity. It is an integral aspect who we are, what we do and who we become. Every element of the created order depends on some form of knowledge sharing to function. We cannot thrive in a knowledge-deficient environment or in knowledge vacuum. Thus, everyone shares knowledge, but ways of achieving this vary depending on a variety of factors.
God has shown us that knowledge sharing is a crucial asset in His kingdom. He has shared His knowledge with humanity through the Bible and His creation. The Bible also describes diverse ways of sharing knowledge. For example, God wrote the Ten Commandments on two tablets of stone on Mount Sinai. He has built in us the ability to share knowledge albeit in different ways. There are several quotes on the importance of sharing knowledge: 'Knowledge not shared still remains unknown (Chris Granbenstein); 'Knowledge is useless unless shared' (Chris Hardwick); Power comes not from kept but knowledge shared (Bill Gates); and 'Knowledge becomes wisdom only after it has been put to use (Mark Twain), among others.
God has called me to teach the Word of God and has provided me with diverse opportunities to formally and informally acquire biblical knowledge. I strongly believe in the biblical principle that 'to whom much is given much will be required' (Luke 12:48). Therefore, the books that I write and publish are aimed at improving the lives of the readers.
Walking with God in the 21st Century
The 21st century Christians are facing serious unprecedented challenges of dechristianisation of vital institutions in our society, persecution, and outlawing of Christianity in some societies, among others. Is walking with God a realistic expectation or a mere illusion?
The twenty-first century Christians are facing serious unprecedented challenges of dechristianisation of vital institutions in our societies, propagation of antichristian beliefs, persecution, a sharp increase in the number of false teachers and prophets, pursuit of pleasure, a cultural revolution against Christianity propped by science, technology and negative media coverage, and outlawing Christianity in some societies. In some countries, owning a Bible, sharing the gospel of Christ, and even mere suspicion that one is a Christian can attract a prison or death sentence. Natural- and human-induced disasters are also presented as proof of a non-existent or powerless God. In view of these challenges, is walking with God in the twenty-first century a realistic expectation or a mere illusion? This book is suitable for Church leader, theology students and other Christians who seek to understand what it means to walk with God in a hostile environment.
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